

One of the few places in the Caribbean that you can still find pristine Snorkeling right off the beaches! No need to spend money to rent a boat and guide if you want to be mesmerized by an Underwater world of Fish and Coral that surpasses anything you’ve seen in your local aquarium! It’s what actually 1ST made me fall in love with St John and made me believe that I really was and could be a Mermaid! All of my guests can receive my personal private guide to the best Snorkeling Sites on and around St John, which can change by season and by the year. Ask me for it when you book!


This lovely little town, known locally as "Love City," is the heart of St John. The streets are lined with shops, restaurants, and bars, which are all within easy walking distance of each other. You can easily spend an afternoon lazily wandering around soaking in the mellow, laid-back vibe and charm of the town, then spend the evening noshing in one of the numerous restaurants.


The Virgin Islands National Park is St John's largest and most popular attraction. It covers 3/5 of St John's landmass and includes 12,624 land and marine acres that encompass pristine beaches, coral reefs, hiking trails, wild donkeys and 800 types of plants. There are also ancient artifacts from the pre-Columbian settlers and remnants of colonial sugar plantations. Twenty-two hiking trails cover more than 20 miles; the park visitor's center has maps.